英大學測試 受搖晃失活力
英國紐卡斯爾大學( Newcastle University)蜜蜂研究所的科學家,找來 100隻工蜂測試。工蜂先要記住兩種不同氣味,兩種氣味分別會帶來甜食和苦食。接着分成兩組,一組要被用力搖晃 60秒,另一組則不用受此酷刑。之後,兩組工蜂要再嗅兩種氣味混合的新氣味,結果未受搖晃的工蜂精力依然旺盛,勇於探究新氣味是否帶來美食;受過搖晃的則全部失去活力和希望,不敢再冒險嘗新。
測試也顯示,受過搖晃的工蜂,體內多巴胺( dopamine)和複合胺( serotonin)水平,低於另一組蜜蜂。人類的腦袋都會產生這兩種化學物質,能影響一個人的情緒。
主持研究的貝特森( Melissa Bateson)解釋,搖晃蜂群是要模仿蜂巢遭侵略對蜜蜂帶來的精神壓力,而殺蟲劑、疾病等都對野生蜜蜂有類似影響,測試顯示外來侵略和影響會令蜜蜂抑鬱。「焦慮沮喪的人,會變得悲觀;抑鬱的蜜蜂,則不願活動和探尋食物新來源。」
心情藍色的蜜蜂,不但危害蜂群的生存,更大大影響人類的食物供應──人類有多達 1/3糧食,包括多種蔬果,都要靠蜜蜂傳播花粉。但蜜蜂近年大規模消失,一些品種比 30年前減少了 95%,美國已有 1/3蜂群消失,科學家對於造成這個蜂群崩潰症候群( Colony Collapse Disorder)現象的原因,未能達成一致看法,氣候變化、濫用殺蟲藥、疾病、城市化令郊區花草減少,都被指是害得蜜蜂數目大減的原因。英國《世界新聞報》
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
游水當治療 癱貓站起來

一歲小貓「莫格」( Mog),今年 2月被汽車撞至重傷,吊鹽水吊了六周,雖然無骨折,但兩隻前肢神經受損,完全癱瘓,牠只能坐着或用後肢支撐身體。主人阿什沃思( Veronica Ashworth)帶牠去接受水療,驚喜地發現有療效。
治療師布瓦索( Ros Boisseau)說︰「第一次放牠下水時,牠滿臉驚恐地看着我,我叫阿什沃思呼喚牠,然後牠就喵回去,游向她。」莫格接受了十堂治療課,每次游 15分鐘,逐漸前肢恢復力氣,可以站起來再學習用四肢走路。阿什沃思十分開心,「牠的泳姿類似狗仔式,真的很有趣」。
Friday, June 24, 2011
Woman dies of heart attack caused by shock of waking up at her OWN funeral

Last updated at 2:14 PM on 24th June 2011
A woman died from a heart attack caused by shock after waking up to discover she had been declared dead - and was being prepared for burial.
As mourning relatives filed past her open coffin the supposedly dead woman suddenly woke up and started screaming as she realised where she was.
Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, 49, had been wrongly declared deceased by doctors but died for real after hearing mourners saying prayers for her soul to be taken up to heaven in Kazan, Russia.
Devastated husband Fagili Mukhametzyanov, 51, had been told his wife had died of a heart attack after she'd collapsed at home suffering from chest pains.
Mr Mukhametzyanov said: 'Her eyes fluttered and we immediately rushed her back to the hospital but she only lived for another 12 minutes in intensive care before she died again, this time for good.
'I am very angry and want answers. She wasn’t dead when they said she was and they could have saved her.'
Hospital spokesman Minsalih Sahapov said: 'We are carrying out an investigation.'
Source: Dailymail
Is this the world's smelliest man? The farm worker who has not had a wash in 37 years

Last updated at 10:30 PM on 23rd June 2011
It is not an achievement that can readily be savoured by his nearest and dearest.
But Kailash Singh has as good a claim as any to the accolade of world's smelliest man - after refusing to wash for more than 37 years.
Mr Singh, 65, has not bathed or cut his 6ft-long dreadlocks since 1974, shortly after he married.
Explaining his unconventional decision, Mr Singh claimed a priest guaranteed him a much-prized son and heir if he followed the advice.
Despite neighbours joking the sweaty farmer would be lucky persuade his wife to have any children at all, his religious guidance clearly failed - he has seven daughters.
Mr Singh spends his days tending cows in 47C heat, yet the only 'cleansing' he does allow himself is a 'fire bath' each evening, which involves smoking marijuana, praying to the Hindu Lord Shiva and dancing around a bonfire.
His long-suffering family admit they did once tried to force him into a stream.
'He fought us off and ran away,' said wife Kalavati Devi, 60. 'We've tried several times since to force him to have a shower but he puts up such a fuss.
'He says he'd rather die than take a bath and only a son could change his mind. It has been so many years now I've got used to it.'
His wife even threatened to stop sleeping with him if he didn't bath, but she gave in first, insisting she should be loyal and put up with the stench.
The father-of-seven spends all day working up a sweat tending cows and working in his fields near the Indian holy city of Varanasi, on the banks of the River Ganges, where temperatures regularly top 47C.
He admits neighbours in the rural village of Chatav make fun of him but said he is following god's will.
'Children tease and shout that I don't wash when I ride my bicycle through the village,' he said. 'There are many people who have a poor character that mock me for not washing. They do not understand my decision but I will not change my mind as it is god's choice, not mine.
'My wife doesn't like it either but she must bear all the hardships I have to bear. Besides, I take a fire bath in the evenings and that gets rid of all the sweat.'
Mr Singh's wife claims she has tried everything to make her smelly husband clean up his act without success.
'I abused him and started crying when he told me about his senseless decision,' she said. 'I even threatened to stop sleeping with him but he is my husband so there was little I could do about it.'
Youngest daughter Pooja, 16, even says her father's strange decision has made her more popular.
'My schoolmates are curious to see and meet my papa,' she said. 'They keep asking me how he can live for so many years without washing and want to see for themselves.
'Earlier I would be angry but there's nothing we can do as he doesn't listen to anyone.
'In this hot summer I want to shower at least twice a day but he doesn't want to take even one. I don't know how he manages to live.'
The only contact with water Kailash has is to wash his mouth and hands.
'I have no son, so I will never wash again,' he said. 'Maybe when I am born again I will wash.'
Source: Dailymail
Thursday, June 23, 2011
膽小牧羊犬 趕羊被羊趕

主人利平頓形容四歲大的牧羊犬 Ci很希望趕羊,可是牠天生膽小,「當羊群走去另一邊時, Ci會像隻正常的牧羊犬,在後面追着牠們。但當羊隻改變方向,聯群結隊走向牠的時候,牠就被嚇跑」。利平頓指綿羊其實很聰明,「當牠們知道佔上風時,就會像軍隊般很具侵略性」。利平頓說:「牠可能是全英最差的牧羊犬,但我們不會嫌棄牠。」
北韓監獄 老鼠吃人屍暴肥

55歲李株福因從逃離北韓的同父異母兄弟處收到生活費, 1999年被收押咸鏡北道會寧市教化所,負責處理屍體,教化所當時收押 1,200名政治犯和經濟罪犯,囚犯因長期做苦工,又營養不良,很多人都餓死,在面積 9平方米的停屍間,竟可堆了多達 60具屍體,皆因缺乏燃油,運屍車每月只往監獄一次。
屍體堆放未及火化,成了老鼠的食物,「吃屍體為生的老鼠肥頭大耳,有的長達 30厘米,屍體放置幾天後,就被老鼠和蛆蟲啃咬,因此變輕」。即使李株福去年逃離北韓,但北韓監獄老鼠吃屍情景令他終生難忘。
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
楊寬, 1914年生,上海青浦人。 1919年秋入讀家鄉的鶴溪小學。五四新文化運動後,鶴溪小學這樣的新式小學堂課程有國文、算術、修身、常識、音樂、圖畫、體操,到高級小學加設英文課程。初級小學國文課是白話文,高級小學的國文課改讀文言文。楊寬從小重視文言文寫作,根底紮實,早期發表的學術論文都用文言文寫成。這在他們一代受新式教育的學者中並不多見。 1938年初,楊寬大學畢業不久就在《古史辨》上發表《中國上古史導論》,長達 340頁,用文言文寫成。當時多數學術論文已用白話文寫作,以致許多人以為是位老先生所作,沒想到作者只是個二十多歲的青年人。一時名動史壇,被顧頡剛認作古史辨學派的後起之秀。
楊寬 1936年畢業於光華大學中文系,師從史學大家呂思勉先生。他在呂思勉指導下從事戰國史研究。一部《戰國史》被公認為此領域的扛鼎之作,迄今無出其右者。楊寬治史最大的特點是打通文史哲,由博返約,兼及中西,閱讀範圍之廣,學術規模之寬闊,讓人折服。這對我後來的治學風格影響甚巨。
楊寬在解放前後都長期擔任過上海博物館館長,對保護國寶毛公鼎以及阻止著名的山西渾源李峪村出土銅器盜運出國作出貢獻。 1953年起任復旦大學歷史系教授, 1960年一度調任上海社會科學院歷史所副所長, 1970年又回到復旦大學歷史系。
楊先生勸我不必花死功夫去抄寫那本《中國史》,還說研究先秦史必須有點考古學基礎。楊先生自己是十分重視運用考古資料研究歷史的。他的著作《西周史》引用的考古資料之豐富,令人歎為觀止。 1972年山東臨沂銀雀山出土一批西漢竹簡,楊先生在 1979年對《戰國史》作了第一次重大修訂,推翻了自己以前的許多重要結論。 1973年在湖南長沙馬王堆漢墓中出土了一批帛書,內容涉及戰國至西漢初期政治、軍事、思想、文化及科學等各方面。楊寬教授研究發現了帛書中《戰國縱橫家書》的重大史料價值。秦王朝是中國歷史上第一個中央集權的統一王朝。但歷史短暫,遺留的文獻資料極其有限。 1975年湖北省雲夢睡虎地秦墓竹簡出土。楊先生高度重視這批考古資料,撰寫《雲夢秦簡所反映的土地制度和農業政策》,為秦代史的研究填補空白。以往的歷史學和考古學涇渭分明,楊寬教授可說是把古文獻和考古資料相結合的先行者。遵照楊先生的指導,我就放棄了抄書,開始通讀《資治通鑒》,並拜在上海博物館一位孫老先生的門下學考古和文物鑒定。後來我運用敦煌和吐魯蕃文書籍賬等考古資料研究唐代家族制度也是受到楊先生的影響。
2005年 9月 1日,楊寬教授以 92歲高齡在美國邁阿密病故。
楊寬, 1914年生,上海青浦人。 1919年秋入讀家鄉的鶴溪小學。五四新文化運動後,鶴溪小學這樣的新式小學堂課程有國文、算術、修身、常識、音樂、圖畫、體操,到高級小學加設英文課程。初級小學國文課是白話文,高級小學的國文課改讀文言文。楊寬從小重視文言文寫作,根底紮實,早期發表的學術論文都用文言文寫成。這在他們一代受新式教育的學者中並不多見。 1938年初,楊寬大學畢業不久就在《古史辨》上發表《中國上古史導論》,長達 340頁,用文言文寫成。當時多數學術論文已用白話文寫作,以致許多人以為是位老先生所作,沒想到作者只是個二十多歲的青年人。一時名動史壇,被顧頡剛認作古史辨學派的後起之秀。
楊寬 1936年畢業於光華大學中文系,師從史學大家呂思勉先生。他在呂思勉指導下從事戰國史研究。一部《戰國史》被公認為此領域的扛鼎之作,迄今無出其右者。楊寬治史最大的特點是打通文史哲,由博返約,兼及中西,閱讀範圍之廣,學術規模之寬闊,讓人折服。這對我後來的治學風格影響甚巨。
楊寬在解放前後都長期擔任過上海博物館館長,對保護國寶毛公鼎以及阻止著名的山西渾源李峪村出土銅器盜運出國作出貢獻。 1953年起任復旦大學歷史系教授, 1960年一度調任上海社會科學院歷史所副所長, 1970年又回到復旦大學歷史系。
楊先生勸我不必花死功夫去抄寫那本《中國史》,還說研究先秦史必須有點考古學基礎。楊先生自己是十分重視運用考古資料研究歷史的。他的著作《西周史》引用的考古資料之豐富,令人歎為觀止。 1972年山東臨沂銀雀山出土一批西漢竹簡,楊先生在 1979年對《戰國史》作了第一次重大修訂,推翻了自己以前的許多重要結論。 1973年在湖南長沙馬王堆漢墓中出土了一批帛書,內容涉及戰國至西漢初期政治、軍事、思想、文化及科學等各方面。楊寬教授研究發現了帛書中《戰國縱橫家書》的重大史料價值。秦王朝是中國歷史上第一個中央集權的統一王朝。但歷史短暫,遺留的文獻資料極其有限。 1975年湖北省雲夢睡虎地秦墓竹簡出土。楊先生高度重視這批考古資料,撰寫《雲夢秦簡所反映的土地制度和農業政策》,為秦代史的研究填補空白。以往的歷史學和考古學涇渭分明,楊寬教授可說是把古文獻和考古資料相結合的先行者。遵照楊先生的指導,我就放棄了抄書,開始通讀《資治通鑒》,並拜在上海博物館一位孫老先生的門下學考古和文物鑒定。後來我運用敦煌和吐魯蕃文書籍賬等考古資料研究唐代家族制度也是受到楊先生的影響。
2005年 9月 1日,楊寬教授以 92歲高齡在美國邁阿密病故。
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Woman set to give birth from her own mother's womb after world-first transplant
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 7:05 PM on 13th June 2011
A young biology teacher is preparing to have her mother's womb transplanted into her - in the hope she can have a baby, carrying it in the same womb that carried her.
Sara Ottosson, 25, was born without reproductive organs.
But her mother, Eva Ottosson, 56, a Nottingham-based businesswoman, has agreed to take part in the groundbreaking procedure - becoming the first woman in the world to transplant her womb into her daughter.
Miss Ottosson, who lives and works in Stockholm, told the Daily Telegraph she was unconcerned about the implications of receiving the womb that carried her.
She said: 'I haven't really thought about that.
'I'm a biology teacher and it's just an organ like any other organ.
'But my mum did ask me about this.
'She said, "Isn't it weird?"
'And my answer is no.
'I'm more worried that my mum is going to have a big operation.'
Sara added: 'It would mean the world to me for this to work and to have children.
'At the moment, I am trying not to get my hopes up so that I am not disappointed.'
The pair hope the complex transplant could happen in Sweden next spring - where Gothenburg doctors have been assessing suitable patients for the surgery.
The Ottossons have gone through the testing process and are waiting to hear if they have been selected for the operation.
If the procedure works, Miss Ottosson will have her own eggs fertilised using her boyfriend's sperm and then implanted into the womb.
Her mother, who runs a lighting business in Nottingham, added: 'My daughter and I are both very rational people and we both think it's just a womb.
'She needs the womb and if I'm the best donor for her, well, go on.
'She needs it more than me.
'I've had two daughters so it's served me well.'
Dr Mats Brannstrom, who leads the medical team, said the transplant is one of the most complicated operations in modern medicine.
The surgery is more difficult than transplanting a kidney, liver or heart because it is more difficult to avoid haemorrhages and you have to make sure the blood vessels are long enough to connect the womb.
He also describes operating in the restricted pelvis area as 'like working in a funnel'.
The only previous womb transplant occurred in 2000 in Saudi Arabia.
A womb from a 46-year-old was given to a 26-year-old who had lost her uterus because of a haemorrhage, but it had to be removed 99 days later because of complications.
Sara suffers from Mayer Rokitanksy Kuster Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, a condition that affects around 1 in 5,000 people and meant that she was born without a uterus.
Like most sufferers, she only realised she had the condition when she was a teenager.
If Sara and her mother are not selected for the transplant procedure, she plans to adopt children instead.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Source: Dailymail
Last updated at 7:05 PM on 13th June 2011
A young biology teacher is preparing to have her mother's womb transplanted into her - in the hope she can have a baby, carrying it in the same womb that carried her.
Sara Ottosson, 25, was born without reproductive organs.
But her mother, Eva Ottosson, 56, a Nottingham-based businesswoman, has agreed to take part in the groundbreaking procedure - becoming the first woman in the world to transplant her womb into her daughter.
Miss Ottosson, who lives and works in Stockholm, told the Daily Telegraph she was unconcerned about the implications of receiving the womb that carried her.

'I'm a biology teacher and it's just an organ like any other organ.
'But my mum did ask me about this.
'She said, "Isn't it weird?"
'And my answer is no.
'I'm more worried that my mum is going to have a big operation.'
Sara added: 'It would mean the world to me for this to work and to have children.
'At the moment, I am trying not to get my hopes up so that I am not disappointed.'
The pair hope the complex transplant could happen in Sweden next spring - where Gothenburg doctors have been assessing suitable patients for the surgery.
The Ottossons have gone through the testing process and are waiting to hear if they have been selected for the operation.
If the procedure works, Miss Ottosson will have her own eggs fertilised using her boyfriend's sperm and then implanted into the womb.
Her mother, who runs a lighting business in Nottingham, added: 'My daughter and I are both very rational people and we both think it's just a womb.
'She needs the womb and if I'm the best donor for her, well, go on.
'She needs it more than me.
'I've had two daughters so it's served me well.'
Dr Mats Brannstrom, who leads the medical team, said the transplant is one of the most complicated operations in modern medicine.
The surgery is more difficult than transplanting a kidney, liver or heart because it is more difficult to avoid haemorrhages and you have to make sure the blood vessels are long enough to connect the womb.
He also describes operating in the restricted pelvis area as 'like working in a funnel'.
The only previous womb transplant occurred in 2000 in Saudi Arabia.
A womb from a 46-year-old was given to a 26-year-old who had lost her uterus because of a haemorrhage, but it had to be removed 99 days later because of complications.
Sara suffers from Mayer Rokitanksy Kuster Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, a condition that affects around 1 in 5,000 people and meant that she was born without a uterus.
Like most sufferers, she only realised she had the condition when she was a teenager.
If Sara and her mother are not selected for the transplant procedure, she plans to adopt children instead.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Source: Dailymail
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I just love cats! Tearful online 'dating' video that's burning up the internet
By Mike O'brien
Last updated at 12:17 AM on 12th June 2011
It's already brought joy to three million Youtube viewers and it's sure to tickle many many more.
Posted on June 3 and titled eHarmony Video Bio, it stars a woman calling herself Debbie, who seems shy and a bit ditzy but nevertheless is looking for a soulmate.
She says it's her first attempt at an online dating video and that she's nervous and excited at the same time.
'They just too cute': An over-emotional Debbie cries as she talks about cats in her hilarious eHarmony Video Bio
After announcing she's an MBA graduate from Villanova university, she says she love cats and then bursts into tears.
As she wipes away the tears she says: 'Sorry, but I love cats, I just wanna hug all of them but I can't.'
She manages to pull her self together for a few seconds before breaking down again.
'I'm thinking about how cute they are with their ears, and whiskers, and nose ...,' she says.
Getting started: Cool and rather shy, Debbie's all sweet and innocent before her emotions get the better of her
After saying how she wants all the cats in a basket and a few other feline related lines she abruptly ends the video by saying, while still crying: 'I can't, I can't.'
While the chances of this being a genuine video for eHarmony, it's certainly one of the funniest solo-to-camera performances since Chris Crocker's Leave Britney Alone was uploaded in September 2007.
That got nearly 40 million hits and earned him spots on several high-profile talk shows.
Cat crazy: For a few seconds Debbie regains her composure, then she starts talking about cats again
He started a music career and is in talks to appear in a reality TV show.
'Debbie,' meanwhile, was the first video uploaded by Cara Hartmann, who describes herself as an entertainer and lists her details as 23 and a resident of the U.S.
Her second video, posted on June 4 is entitled Cara And Kara.
She employs a bit of camera trickery to make it look like two identical heads attached to one body.
In the video, 'they' say: 'We just want to share some of our bedtime rituals, what we do before we go to bed.'
Eventually, the two heads turn to each other and say: 'I love your hair ... I love your eyes ... I love your nose.'
She may never reach the 40 million hits mark, but it looks we're all going to be seeing more of Cara Hartmann.
And if that was really a dating video, one could only offer one piece of advice to her potential suitor: 'Good luck with that cat thing.'
Source: MailOnline
Last updated at 12:17 AM on 12th June 2011
It's already brought joy to three million Youtube viewers and it's sure to tickle many many more.
Posted on June 3 and titled eHarmony Video Bio, it stars a woman calling herself Debbie, who seems shy and a bit ditzy but nevertheless is looking for a soulmate.
She says it's her first attempt at an online dating video and that she's nervous and excited at the same time.

After announcing she's an MBA graduate from Villanova university, she says she love cats and then bursts into tears.
As she wipes away the tears she says: 'Sorry, but I love cats, I just wanna hug all of them but I can't.'
She manages to pull her self together for a few seconds before breaking down again.
'I'm thinking about how cute they are with their ears, and whiskers, and nose ...,' she says.

After saying how she wants all the cats in a basket and a few other feline related lines she abruptly ends the video by saying, while still crying: 'I can't, I can't.'
While the chances of this being a genuine video for eHarmony, it's certainly one of the funniest solo-to-camera performances since Chris Crocker's Leave Britney Alone was uploaded in September 2007.
That got nearly 40 million hits and earned him spots on several high-profile talk shows.

He started a music career and is in talks to appear in a reality TV show.
'Debbie,' meanwhile, was the first video uploaded by Cara Hartmann, who describes herself as an entertainer and lists her details as 23 and a resident of the U.S.
Her second video, posted on June 4 is entitled Cara And Kara.
She employs a bit of camera trickery to make it look like two identical heads attached to one body.
In the video, 'they' say: 'We just want to share some of our bedtime rituals, what we do before we go to bed.'
Eventually, the two heads turn to each other and say: 'I love your hair ... I love your eyes ... I love your nose.'
She may never reach the 40 million hits mark, but it looks we're all going to be seeing more of Cara Hartmann.
And if that was really a dating video, one could only offer one piece of advice to her potential suitor: 'Good luck with that cat thing.'
Source: MailOnline
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Men should be allowed sex slaves and female prisoners could do the job - and all this from a WOMAN politician from Kuwait

Last updated at 4:38 PM on 7th June 2011
A Kuwaiti woman who once ran for parliament has called for sex slavery to be legalised - and suggested that non-Muslim prisoners from war-torn countries would make suitable concubines.
Salwa al Mutairi argued buying a sex-slave would protect decent, devout and 'virile' Kuwaiti men from adultery because buying an imported sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.
And she even had an idea of where to 'purchase' these sex-salves - browsing through female prisoners of war in other countries.
The political activist and TV host even suggested that it would be a better life for women in warring countries as the might die of starvation.
Mutairi claimed: 'There was no shame in it and it is not haram' (forbidden) under Islamic Sharia law.'
She gave the example of Haroun al-Rashid, an 8th century Muslim leader who ruled over an area covered by modern-day Iran, Iraq and Syria and was rumoured to have 2,000 concubines.
Mutairi recommended that offices could be opened to run the sex trade in the same way that recruitment agencies provide housemaids.
She suggested shopping for prisoners of war so as to protect Kuwaiti men from being tempted to commit adultery or being seduced by other women's beauty.
'For example, in the Chechnyan war, surely there are female Russian captives,' she said.
'So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait. Better than to have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations.'
Her unbelievable argument for her plan was that ‘captives’ might 'just die of hunger over there'.
She insisted, 'I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at all'.
In an attempt to consider the woman's feelings in the arrangement, Mutari conceded that the enslaved women, however, should be at least 15.
Mutairi said free women must be married with a contract but with concubines 'the man just buys her and that’s it. That’s enough to serve as marriage.'
Her remarks, made in a video posted on YouTube last month and carried by newspapers in the Gulf states in recent days, have sparked outrage in cyber-space from fellow Kuwaitis and others in the wider region.
'Wonder how Salwa al Mutairi would’ve felt if during the occupation (of Kuwait) by Iraqi forces, she was sold as ‘war booty’ as she advocates for Chechen women,' tweeted Mona Eltahawy.
Another tweeter, Shireen Qudosi, told Mutairi 'you’re a disgrace to women everywhere'.
For Muna Khan, an editor at the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television station, the 'icing on the cake' of Mutairi’s 'preposterous views' was her assertion that her suggestions do not conflict with the tenets of Islam.
Mutairi said that during a recent visit to Mecca, she asked Saudi muftis – Muslim religious scholars – what the Islamic ruling was on owning sex slaves. They are said to have told her that it is not haram.
The ruling was confirmed by 'specialized people of the faith' in Kuwait, she claimed.
'They said, that’s right, the only solution for a decent man who has the means, who is overpowered by desire and who does not want to commit fornication, is to acquire jawari.' Jawari is the plural of the Arabic term jariya, meaning 'concubine' or 'sex slave'.
One Saudi mufti supposedly told Mutairi: 'The context must be that of a Muslim nation conquering a http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifnon-Muslim nation, so these jawari have to be prisoners of war.'
Concubines, she argued, would suit Muslim men who fear being 'seduced or tempted into immoral behaviour by the beauty of their female servants'.
Source: Daily Mail

Sunday, June 5, 2011
催眠師暈倒台上 被催眠者無法蘇醒

上周五在多塞特郡一個劇場, 37歲戴斯的表演來到最後一個環節,他邀請兩男一女上台接受催眠,不久即被一名參加者的長腿絆倒,「嘭」的一聲,暈倒台上。如此戲劇化,在場逾百名觀眾最初都以為是表演噱頭,紛紛報以熱烈鼓掌和喝采。
在搶救下,戴斯三分鐘後蘇醒,身上有瘀傷,但毋須送院。他定過神後,才「叫醒」被催眠的三個觀眾。經理人說:「三人被催眠約 15分鐘,他們都說知道有意外,也聽到喧鬧聲,直至戴斯出手才得以醒來。」
被催眠者險一睡不醒,引發催眠安全爭議,一名觀眾說:「我們不僅擔心戴斯,也擔心台上三名參加者。」戴斯事後在社交網頁 facebook報平安:「我沒事,只有點瘀傷。多謝大家支持。」
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